[originaltext]W: Let’s have a picnic. Do you like the beach, the hill, the fore

游客2024-05-13  3

W: Let’s have a picnic. Do you like the beach, the hill, the forests, or somewhere else?
M: Well, I don’t like sand around my feet, and there are too many ants in the forests.
Q: Where might they go for a picnic?
M:My briefcase is just like yours,isn’t it?
W:Almost.Mine is smaller,but it doesn’t have a lock.I think I’d rather have had one like yours.
Q:Why does the woman want a briefcase like the man’s?

选项 A、Because they are alike.
B、Because the man’s briefcase has a lock.
C、Because the man’s briefcase is smaller.
D、Because she doesn’t have a briefcase.

答案 B

解析 对话中男:上说自己的公文包同女士的公文包很像,女士同意他的观点,但是认为自己的包更小一些,而且没有锁,所以想买一个和男士一样的公文包,可见没有锁是促使女士想买包的原因。故正确答案为B项。