[originaltext]W:With the company in such financial difficulties, I wonder what

游客2024-05-13  5

W:With the company in such financial difficulties, I wonder what will happen to the president.
M:Haven’t you heard? The board of directors has asked for his resignation.
Q:What happened to the president of the company?
M:I still can’t get over the show last Saturday evening. I keep having nightmares all night.
W:So,next time before you walk into a theatre,make sure what you are going to see.I don’t want to hear your complaints again.
Q:What can we infer from this conversation?

选项 A、The man enjoyed the movie very much.
B、The man saw a horror movie last Saturday.
C、The woman asked the man to be careful at night.
D、The woman went to the show with the man.

答案 B

解析 本题的解题关键在于听清show,nightmares,和theatre这三个词。男士说“看过的电影老在脑中出现,整晚都做噩梦”,接着女士给出了自己的看法:以后看电影一定要了解自己要看的是什么类型,由此可推知男士看了一部恐怖片,所以答案选B项。