[originaltext]W:With the company in such financial difficulties, I wonder what

游客2024-05-13  6

W:With the company in such financial difficulties, I wonder what will happen to the president.
M:Haven’t you heard? The board of directors has asked for his resignation.
Q:What happened to the president of the company?
W:If you rub some soap on that drawer,it might stop sticking.
M:Well,maybe,but if I took out the paper that has fallen down in back, that would help, for sure.
Q:what is the problem?

选项 A、The back of the drawer has fallen off.
B、The man doesn’t have any soap.
C、The cabinet is too heavy to move.
D、Something is blocking the back of the drawer.

答案 D

解析 女士说如果在抽屉上抹点肥皂,可能就不那么粘了,男士说如果他之前把那些掉到后面的纸拿出来的话肯定就不会这么费劲了。由此看出一定是什么东西堵住了抽屉,故答案选D项。