[originaltext] It’s great fun to explore new places — it feels like an adven

游客2024-05-13  11

It’s great fun to explore new places — it feels like an adventure, even when you know you’re not the first to have been there. But make sure not to get lost or waste time going around in circles.
    Do the map reading if you’re being driven somewhere. It’ll be easier if you keep turning the map so it follows the direction you’re traveling in. Keep looking ahead so that you can give the driver lots of warning before having to make a turn, or you’ll have to move back to the back seat.
    Get a group of friends together and go exploring. You’ll need a good map, a compass, a raincoat, a cell phone to call for help in case you get lost, and a bit of spare cash for emergencies. Tell someone where you’re going before you set out and let them know what time expect you to be back. The test is not getting lost, not in seeing how fast you can go, so always stick together, waiting for slower friends to catch up.
    See if your school or a club organizes orienteering activities, in which you need a map and a compass to find your way. This can be done as a sport, with teams trying to find the way from A to B (and B to C, etc.) in the fastest time, or simply as a spare-time activity. Either way, it’s not only good fun, but a great way to keep fit.
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
26. What should one do when sitting beside the driver?
27. Why do you need to tell someone your exploration plan before setting out?
28. What do we learn about orienteering activities from the passage?

选项 A、Direct the driver.
B、Look ahead to see where there’s a turn.
C、Move to the back seat if feeling uncomfortable.
D、Keep looking at the map to find a place to go to.

答案 A

解析 选项均以原形动词开头表明,本题可能考查建议。短文中提到you can give the driver lots of warning before having to make a turn,言外之意就是要及时地给司机指方向,A)是对give the driver lots of warning的同义转述,故答案为A)。