Bill Gates believes that the American high schools are "obsolete" in______. [br]

游客2024-05-13  5

问题 Bill Gates believes that the American high schools are "obsolete" in______. [br] According to the anther, the challenge on American schools comes from______.

选项 A、the progression of globalization of economy
B、the improvement of education in other countries
C、the development of science and technology
D、the flooding of foreign students

答案 A

解析 根据题干定位到文章第2段首句Gates was describing a global economy in which the chance to move up into a better economic life is slipping overseas,along with jobs that can be performed any where....推断题。此句指出了global economy对美国学生带来的负面影响:经济的全球化使美国学生面对更多来自国外竞争对手的压力,A与之相符。其他国家教育事业蓬勃发展,科技进步促进经济全球化,这两个事实相互作用才会对美国学生产生直接影响,B和C只注重其中一方面,不全面。