Bill Gates believes that the American high schools are "obsolete" in______. [br]

游客2024-05-13  11

问题 Bill Gates believes that the American high schools are "obsolete" in______. [br] What does the last paragraph tell us about the education in US?

选项 A、It is successful in helping the students pass various exams.
B、It encourages the students in conceptual thinking.
C、It nurtures the ability in solving complex problems.
D、It aims to train skilled workers for the society.

答案 D

解析 根据题意定位到文章末段。推断题。文章末段由多个问句组成,最后一词hardly点明了美国教育存在的严重问题:忽视学生思考能力的培养而只注重训练学生简单、机械的操作能力,D与之相符。末段第2句test preparation说明美国学校存在应试教育的倾向,但是否在真正帮助学生通过各种考试并不清楚,故排除A;B和C正是作者认为当前教育需要改进的地方,与原文内容相反。