First impressions are often lasting ones. If you are【C1】______positively wit

游客2024-05-12  3

问题     First impressions are often lasting ones. If you are【C1】______positively within the critical first four minutes, the person you’ve met will likely【C2】______that everything you do is positive.
    Four minutes! Studies tell us that is the critical period in which【C3】______are formed by someone we’ve just met. Within a【C4】______ten seconds, that person will begin to make【C5】______about our social class, intelligence, moral and career【C6】______. People tend to focus on what they see and what they hear.
    Most employers believe that those who look as【C7】______they care about themselves are more likely to care about their jobs. We know "it’s what’s inside that【C8】______", but research shows that physically attractive people are generally【C9】______by employers as more intelligent, likable and dependable. Your goal should be to come【C10】______in the best possible light-attractive in the way you dress, in your gestures and【C11】______expressions and in your speech.
    Here is how to make those crucial four minutes count:
    Look your best. It【C12】______success. At work, your clothes must【C13】______the message that you are【C14】______, reliable and authoritative. Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. Monitor your body【C15】______. How you move and gesture will【C16】______influence an interviewer’ s first impression of you. To make your first meeting a positive one, start with a firm handshake. If the interviewer doesn’t initiate the gesture, offer your hand first. See【C17】______it that you don’t seem to desperate for the job, or too eager to please.
    Say what you mean. Your goal is to display【C18】______and be believed. You should make your words consistent with your body language and appearance. If they aren’t in【C19】______, your mixed messages will confuse your interviewer.
    "Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success." So take【C20】______of those crucial first four minutes. Look your best, move with confidence, and speak with conviction—the job you want can be yours. [br] 【C13】

选项 A、transport

答案 C

解析 动词辨义。本句意为“在工作中,你的着装必须传达出……等信息”。A)transport“运输”,通常指用交通工具运送货物或人;B)transfer“调动,转移”,一般表示转送或移交、迁移,尤指交通运输中的换乘或职务的调动等;D)conduct“管理,引导,表现”不能与message搭配。C)convey作“传送,输送”之意时,是指“运送物体,将……从一个地方运送或输送到另一个地方”,与transport同义,但convey还有“传播”之意,指“语言、信息等的表达”,故C)convey符合题意。