The establishment of the modern corporate structure started ______. [br] Why did

游客2024-05-12  3

问题 The establishment of the modern corporate structure started ______. [br] Why did Queen Elizabeth want to establish the EIC ?

选项 A、Because she wanted to learn the corporation style of France.
B、Because she wanted to follow Vasco da Gama’s route.
C、Because she needed fortunes to conquer other European countries.
D、Because she wanted to share fortunes with other European countries.

答案 D

解析 由题干中establish可定位到第一个小标题下第一段第三、四句With other nations importing fortunes in goods and plunder,Queen Elizabeth decided England should get some,too.So she granted the charter for the East India Company.题干中establish与第四句中granted the charter for对应。本题要求了解Queen Elizabeth建EIC(东印度公司)的原因。根据两句间的因果关系可知,英女王也想和法国、荷兰、比利时等国分享财富。fortunes是核心所在,故D)正确。