The main topic of the passage is the ______. [br] Which of the following places

游客2024-05-11  2

问题 The main topic of the passage is the ______. [br] Which of the following places is the most likely setting for allelomimetic behavior?

选项 A、A lake.
B、A cave.
C、An underground tunnel.
D、A thick forest.

答案 A

解析 此题考查学生根据事实进行推断的能力。A为正确答案。文章第一段的最后一句间接回答了这个问题:It is found primarily in vertebrates,in those species that are diurnal,and usually in those that spend much of their lives in the air,in open water or on open plains.(遗传模仿行为主要表现于脊椎动物以及那些白昼活动的动物,那些常常把一生大部分时间都花在辽阔的天空、宽阔的水域或开阔的平原上的动物。)