According to the author, the brand you use apparently reveals your social status

游客2024-05-11  4

问题 According to the author, the brand you use apparently reveals your social status and personalities. [br] To build your audience, you’d better catch the opportunities to be acquainted with people and try to catch their attention on you.


答案 Y

解析 由题干中acquainted with people 和 attention 可分别定位到第二个小标题下首句Make a concerted effort to increase the number of people who know about you 和末句Make yourself useful so people have a compelling reason to pay attention.段落首尾处设题。本题考查争取听众的方法、手段。第二个小标题下首句部分与题干中catch the opportunities to be acquainted with people相符;末句与题干中catch their attention on you相符,闪此题干的说法是正确的。