According to the author, the brand you use apparently reveals your social status

游客2024-05-11  2

问题 According to the author, the brand you use apparently reveals your social status and personalities. [br] Traditional strategy of making oneself advertised may sometimes bring unexpected negative effect apart from high cost.


答案 Y

解析 根据unexpected negative effect 和 high cost可定位到第一个小标题下第二段列举的第一点中末句最后部分...people often respond negatively to blatant branding efforts;it’s quite expensive.复杂句及特殊标点符号处设题。本题考查大众对自我标榜的态度。原文未句主干部分谈到自我标榜会带来问题,之后冒号内部分将问题具体罗列,该句最后罗列的内容respond negatively 和 it’s quite expensive与题干对应,因此题干说法与原文相符。