[originaltext]W: Jane is so obsessed with celebrities. She spends hours on the

游客2024-05-11  9

W: Jane is so obsessed with celebrities. She spends hours on the Internet trying to find out what their favorite nail polish colour is.
M: Psychologists say people who believe in a fair world are more likely to worship celebrities.
Q: What are the two speakers talking about?
W: I’ve been taking care of my 85-year-old mother for two years. You know, my brothers are abroad. It’s all my job. But it’s a great burden to be tied down 24 hours, 7 days.
M: Well, ask them to contribute financially to the cost of a senior day care program or home care assistance.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、She shouldn’t complain about caring for her mom.
B、It’s her brothers’ responsibility to take care of their mom.
C、A senior day care program or home assistance may help.
D、Financial help is badly needed to send her mom to hospital.

答案 C

解析 语义理解题。女士说她照顾母亲两年来,每天都不得轻松,而她的兄弟们又都在国外,这就成了她一人的活了;男士建议她让兄弟们出点钱,请家庭护理。