[originaltext]W: I’m thinking about buying a new computer.M: Why don’t you go

游客2024-05-09  4

W: I’m thinking about buying a new computer.
M: Why don’t you go to the trade show at the World Trade Center? Computer companies will be showing off all their latest cutting-edge products.
Q: What will the computer companies do at the World Trade Center?
W: I can’t remember the last time I was so disappointed by a concert.
M: I know! We expected rock and roll, and instead what we heard was elevator music.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The man enjoyed the concert.
B、They were disappointed with the concert.
C、They listened to some elevator music.
D、The woman didn’t like rock music.

答案 B

解析 综合理解题。女士说不记得上次听这么令人失望的演唱会是什么时候了,男士表示同意,说他们本来期望可以听到摇滚,没想到是像背景音乐一样的乏味音乐。综合可知,他们去听了一场摇滚演唱会,结果很失望。