[originaltext]W: Hey, Jimmy, a couple of us are going out to Sam’s Bar after wo

游客2024-05-07  3

W: Hey, Jimmy, a couple of us are going out to Sam’s Bar after work. Care to join us?
M: Oh, urn.. .Thanks for the invitation, but I’m pretty tired.
W: Well, how about joining the company picnic next Saturday? We will play beach volleyball and you can join our team! Come on! It’ll be fun!
M: Um.. .You’re so kind, (19)but I’m really not sure if I’ll be able to make it. I’m just a bit shy. Plus, I really don’t like loud bars or clubs.
W: Let me tell you a secret. I hate bars and clubs too! But, I know that going out and being seen is a big part of social networking. (20)Social networking means going out and meeting people. It really can mean the difference between success and being stuck at a dead-end career.
M: You know, I’m not such a big fan of company events myself. I don’t like all the organizations involved. I don’t like being told when and where to do things. In fact, I don’t even like big crowds of people.
W: But, in today’s society these are the ways we connect. Social networking has boosted my career in so many ways. Well, take last week for example. (21)1 was at a club when I saw an old friend I hadn’t seen for a long time. He started talking about his friend who was looking for a computer programmer.
M: And you got the job?
W: Yeah! (21)The next day his friend called me and yesterday we signed a contract. I’m going to be setting up their company website, and the money is pretty good.
19. Why doesn’t the man want to join the company picnic next week?
20. What can be inferred about social networking?
21. How did the woman get the new job?

选项 A、It can remold the human character.
B、It is helpful to people’s career success.
C、It will expand people’s knowledge.
D、It will overcome people’s defects.

答案 B

解析 细节推断题。对话中女士提到自己也讨厌酒吧和俱乐部,但参与这些活动可以扩大自己的社交网,社交网就是需要出去见不同的人,它意味着事业成功与被困在无前途的事业中的区别。由此可知,社交网对人的事业成功有帮助。