In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by ______. [br] In the

游客2024-05-06  4

问题 In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by ______. [br] In the first paragraph, the author cites Caesar’s feast to suggest that ______.

选项 A、Caesar liked raising livestock very much
B、the victory was celebrated very seriously
C、people think eating meat is a symbol of wealth and victory
D、Caesar was not a vegetarian

答案 C

解析 由题干In the first paragraph,the author cites Caesar’s feast to suggest定位到原文第一段第二句 Similar celebrations featuring excessive consumption of animal flesh have marked human victories-in war,sport,politics and commerce-since our species learned to control fire.推断题。文章开头便举了凯撒的例子,紧接着表明“人们吃肉来庆祝胜利,脱离贫穷后首先要做的事情之一便是吃肉”,概括起来,便是C)。[避错]文中没有凯撒喜欢养牲畜的意思,排除A);结合全文意思,凯撒的例子不是为了说明他的庆祝活动很认真,排除B);文章未提到任何素食者的问题,排除D)。