In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by ______. [br] Accord

游客2024-05-06  4

问题 In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by ______. [br] According to the last paragraph, which of the following statements is TRUE?

选项 A、Only a small percentage of the grain is directly consumed by man in the world.
B、Eating meat might be a symbol of richness in the future.
C、Humans can live without meat.
D、Many regions face the problem of fresh water shortage.

答案 C

解析 由题干定位到原文最后一段。细节题。该段最后一句But nutritionists will attest that most people in the richest countries don’t need nearly as much protein as we are currently getting from meat,and there are plenty of vegetable sources-including the grains now squandered on feed-that can provide the protein we need.表明,作者认为植物一样可以提供人体所需的蛋白质,故C)正确。[避错]第三段中有Yet in the U. S. (而不是全世界),70% of all the wheat,corn and other grain produced goes to feeding herds of livestock,另外,根据常识也可知,世界上还有许多国家未脱离贫困,根本谈不上大量消耗肉类,排除A);B)是第三段最后一句的同义转述,排除B);D)是第三段中India,China,North Africa and the U. S. are all running fresh water deficits...的同义转述,也可排除。