[originaltext]M: Nancy, what classes are you taking this semester?W: I’m not s

游客2024-05-05  5

M: Nancy, what classes are you taking this semester?
W: I’m not sure yet. I want to take two English courses and maybe Spanish. And I’ll probably have to take math.
M: Aren’t you going to take biology? That’s a required class you know.
W.I already took it. No more science classes for me. Science just isn’t something I like. What are you taking?
M: Only biology and English.
W: How come you’re only taking two classes?
M: I have to work this year. I couldn’t get a student loan so I don’t have enough money to study full-time.
W: What kind of job are you going to get?
M: That’s the problem. I’ve tried all the gas stations and the restaurants, but nothing, I’m going to try a few cab
companies tomorrow. I like to drive.
W: My brother’s a bus driver. He likes to drive.
M: Well, I’ll see what happens tomorrow. By the way, have you seen Dave yet? He just got back yesterday.
W: Oh? Where did he go? I hadn’t heard that he was going anywhere.
M: He went to Europe. He was there for three weeks.
W: Well, how did he like it?
M: He said Germany was nice but he didn’t care for the rest of it. He said he didn’t like France or Spain at ail.
W: I went to Spain once and I really, liked it. But the place I like most was Switzerland. I spent two weeks visiting my uncle there. It’s great.
M: I hope that I can get to Europe someday.

选项 A、English.

答案 B

解析 语意理解题。题目问什么课程Nancy不选。对话中男士问Nancy为什么不选biology,女士回答“I already took it. No more science classes for me.Science just isn’t something I like.”(我已经选过了,我不用再上任何有关科学方面的课程了,而且我对此也没兴趣。)所以答案选B。