[originaltext] Recently, a man who was always in good health, spent a week i

游客2024-05-05  2

Recently, a man who was always in good health, spent a week in bed with severe flu. The previous week, he and his wife separated. It seems his unusual ill health was connected with his bad feeling. (29) Humans have long been aware that our health is linked with our thoughts, emotions and relationships.
     (29) Now science is catching up with our suspicion. A new field of scientific investigation has developed. It’s the study of how our thoughts and feelings work with our immune and nervous systems. (30)
    There are already researchers at medical schools who are devoted to the study. They are discovering surprising connections between mind and body. One researcher has been working with breast cancer patients. She has been looking at the mental factors in their illness and treatment. She has discovered that women who did not like to talk about the emotions created by their illness had more chance of dying in five years after treatment. (31) Of a group of 52 patients, 16 women died. All 16 women had said they usually found it difficult to talk to people about their illness. So, simply speaking, it is bad for your health to keep negative feeling inside you. You need to talk about them to your family and friends.
    Other research shows that stress really can make you sick. People who lead stressful lives are more likely to fall ill with colds and flues and other illnesses. But, if you have lots of good quality relationships with family and friends in your life, then you are less likely to fall ill, even though the circumstances of your life might be difficult.
29. What is this passage mainly about?
30. Why did the man suffer the worst illness in his life?
31. What is the difference between the breast cancer patients according to the passage?

选项 A、Those who like talking about cheerful things live longer.
B、Those who avoid talking about cheerful things die sooner.
C、Those who like talking about their disease live longer.
D、Those who avoid talking about their illness live longer.

答案 C

解析 细节题。四个选项都是关于哪一类人活得更久。文章中谈到一个实验,其结论是不喜欢谈及自己病情及感受的人,接受治疗后五年内死亡的可能性更大,接着列举了一些数据。据此可以判断,喜欢讨论自己病情以及感受的人可以活更长时间。所以正确答案是选项C。