[originaltext] The best interview is one in which there is two-way communica

游客2024-05-05  4

The best interview is one in which there is two-way communication between the employer and the job applicant. Often there is some "small talk" at the beginning of the interview, which is actually very important, because the applicant’s answers may indicate how easily the person can converse. A job seeker who appears unfriendly or unsociable may not be offered a position, even if the person is the most qualified. Employers look for people who seem to be likeable and easy to work with as well as technically competent. (29)
    The first few minutes of the interview are very important when it comes to making a good impression. A smile and handshake are expected after the job applicant walks into the prospective employer’s office. In addition, the applicant must pay attention to certain areas related to personal appearance. During the interview, a supervisor or manager will ask the applicant questions that must be answered fully but without excessive detail. It is important to watch the employer’s face for nonverbal cues as to whether enough has been said. (30) Some people may have difficulty answering certain questions because of their cultural perspectives. In cultures where humility and modesty are virtues, the question, "what are your strengths?" could be embarrassing. In many cultures, like several Asian cultures, people are taught not to talk or boast about their individual accomplishments. (31)Yet, during an interview, an employer often wants the job applicant to talk about his or her accomplishments. In an American interview, applicants must learn to present themselves in the most positive light. This is a challenge for many people from other countries.
29. What can we learn from the passage?
30. How should the job applicant behave during the interview?
31. Why is it difficult for some Asians to give positive comments on themselves?
32. What’s the main point discussed in the passage?

选项 A、Do his best to provide detailed information about his past job.
B、Pay more attention to his employer’s office.
C、Make use of the first few minutes to impress the employer.
D、Adjust the depth of his account by observing the employer’s body language.

答案 D

解析 细节题。根据选项可知,该题可能考查被面试者和面试者的关系。题干问面试过程中求职者应注意什么问题,根据“During the interview...It is important to watch the employer’s face for nonverbal cues as to whether enough has been said.”可以得知,注意面试官的面部表情的变化,可判断问题是否回答得充分,选项D中的observing the employer’s body language与原文中watch the employer’s face for nonverbal cues同义,因此正确答案是D。