Twelve years ago, as a first-year language-arts teacher at a middle school i

游客2024-05-04  5

问题     Twelve years ago, as a first-year language-arts teacher at a middle school in Houston, I had 50 minutes a day with each of my classes. That might sound like a decent amount of time, but after taking roll and checking homework, I was lucky to have even 40 minutes left to teach my students, the majority of whom were low income or just learning to speak English. I had to take a triage(分类)approach — one that’s familiar to most public-school teachers. I focused on the basics of reading and writing to prepare them for the state assessment test, and I was barely able to devote any time to analytical writing, lis-tening comprehension, or persuasive speaking. It felt as if I was shortchanging the students, and my frustration was compounded by the fact that after summer vacation they forgot much of what they’d learned, coming back even less prepared than they were three months earlier.

    Six years ago I founded KIPP Heartwood Academy, a public charter school in San Jose, part of a network of 99 KIPP schools nationwide. KIPP(Knowledge Is Power Program)students spend more than 50 percent more time learning, with a school day that typically goes from 7: 30 a. m. to 5 p. m., along with a mandatory three-week summer-school program. The added time is getting results. With a student population that’s more than 85 percent low income, Heartwood has ranked in the top 10 percent of all California public schools every year since its inception, and it was named a Blue Ribbon School this year by the U. S. Department of Education. The idea of extending the school day — and year — is gaining momentum. President Obama recently joined other political and academic leaders who are calling for a new look at our outdated custom of halting instruction in July and August.(Sorry, kids.)But while I’m pleased there’s more attention being devoted to time management, I’m wary(谨慎的)that the notion of tacking on hours will become a passing fad. Improving the country’s education system will take a lot more than simply extending the school day and year.
    For starters, we shouldn’t spend all that extra class time only teaching academics. With budget cuts affecting schools nationwide, fewer are able to offer music and extra-curriculars, but if kids are drilled in math and reading all day, they’ll lose interest in learning. Schools should extend their hours if they have the funding for both academics and extracurriculars. They need to provide time not only for remediation but also for sports, languages, performing-arts groups, and clubs for activities like debating that improve creativity and leadership skills.
    I commend the hundreds of schools nationwide that are beginning to embrace extended school hours and academic calendars. But if they don’t account for some of the potential pitfalls, I fear the plan could be discarded like so many other quick fixes. No cure, particularly when it comes to education, is quite so simple. [br] The main purpose of the passage is to tell that______.

选项 A、the idea of extending the school day and year is gaining momentum
B、KIPP schools benefit from the idea of extending school time
C、adding class time is reasonable when extracurriculars are included
D、the education system is outdated and needs to be reformed

答案 C

解析 主旨大意题。第一段作者叙述了十二年前自己当老师的经历,说明了上课时间不足带来的问题。第二段介绍了KIPP学校延长学生在校学习时间的成果,以及作者对这一延时思想的看法。第三至第四段讲了作者对延长学时的担忧和意见。总结可得,作者借这篇文章想要表达的是如何延长学时才合理,结合原文中作者的意见,可知[C]项正确。[A][B]两项是第二段描述的现象,不是作者写本文的主要意图,故排除。第三段末提到的是教育的时间安排这一传统过时了,没有说整个教育系统过时了,并且本文作者只是针对延长学时这一问题发表观点,[D]项范围过大,故排除。