For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Be a C

游客2024-05-03  4

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Be a Child’s Slave? You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:
                          Be a Child’s Slave?


答案                         Be a Child’s Slave?
    Many parents say that a child is a blessing, but the cost of raising one can be a curse. They list the imported milk powder and diapers, luxurious private kindergartens, after-school courses such as piano and drawing, and even overseas further education. It is undeniable that the rising strain has made some parents become children’s slaves.
    These parents take it for granted that to bring up a child is to offer him the best environment for growth. They never hesitate to spend money on their children so that their offspring would not lose at the starting line. Not having enough time to accompany their children, they hope to compensate them with expensive commodities. However, many people argue that parents should not always consider the child as their first priority. What’s more, it is sensible to keep expenses within our financial capacity.
    In my opinion, parents who have become slaves to their children are harboring unrealistic expectations on their children and pursuing unreasonable consumption concepts. As a matter of fact, what a child needs most and what matters most to his growth are nothing but parents’ love.
