
游客2024-05-02  15

问题     过去10年,中国家庭消费的增长一直十分强劲,年均增长率达到7%左右,高于世界任何其他大型经济体的家庭消费增长水平。但这种迅速增长只是因为全球经济状况非常良好以及中国的投资增长非常高才实现的。投资的高增长推动中国的GDP增幅在过去10年的大多数年份达到10%至11%。而目前全球经济状况和中国经济状况已经远没有那么好了。这意味着即使是在最好的情况下,中国的家庭消费增长率也难以维持在7%的水平。


答案     The growth in Chinese household consumption has been quite strong in the past decade. Household consumption has grown by roughly 7% annually, which is faster than in any other large economy in the world. But this rapid growth was attained only because global conditions were optimal and Chinese investment growth was so extraordinarily high that it was able to turbo-charge GDP growth at rates of 10% 11% for much of the past decade. Global and Chinese conditions are not nearly as good anymore. This means that it will be hard to maintain 7% household consumption growth even in the best-case scenario.
