
游客2024-05-02  7

问题     220年东汉灭亡以后,刘备建立了蜀汉,而诸葛亮是蜀汉的主要统治者之一。他的职责就是在危险时期为刘备和他的儿子出谋划策。他在战争中以聪明才智著称,他还是著名的发明家,不过他的很多发明都只是虚构的,或者是小说里的,比如说《三国演义》里描述的石头阵。汉朝分裂以后,他出谋划策让蜀汉成为一个王国,并与强敌对抗,存在了43年。成都的武侯祠就是为了纪念诸葛亮而建造的。


答案     Zhuge Liang was one of the key rulers in the kingdom of Shu Han that was founded by Liu Bei when the Eastern Han Empire fell in 220. He had the responsibility for plotting strategy in the dangerous era on behalf of Liu Bei and his son. He was known to be very clever in war and was also known as an inventor, though a lot of his purported inventions may be simply myths or fictional stories such as the stone maze that the fictional novel The Romance of the Three Kingdoms describes. As the Han Empire disintegrated, he plotted strategy to make Shu Han a kingdom that survived for 43 years against stronger enemies. The Wuhou Temple in Chengdu is dedicated to Zhu Ge Liang.
