For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the followi

游客2024-05-01  2

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should first describe the drawing and interpret its meanings, and then give your comment on it. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet I.


答案     In the picture the parents in tears are bidding farewell to their son at the airport. The son, sitting in the plane, cries out to his parents, "Mom and dad, you forgot to find a nursemaid for me." Judging from the parents’ open-mouthed and wide-eyed expression, we can tell that, on hearing the words, they are shocked and embarrassed.
    It seems that the parents are sending their son to further his study far away from home. However, the son is not ready at all for an independent life. By showing this scene, the artist wants to warn us that pampered children who grow into dependent young adults won’t stand on their own feet. For example, some parents rent an apartment near the campus to cook and clean for their children in college, which turns out to be harmful to their children. Once leaving their parents, they can hardly make a living of their own.
    Therefore, it’s of great importance for children to become independent. On the one hand, parents should give their kids chances to do their own things. On the other hand, the young adults should learn to refuse their parents to baby-sit them.
