Earthquakes. Cyclones(龙卷风). Tsunamis(海啸). Floods. Mudslides(泥石流). Natural di

游客2024-05-01  6

问题     Earthquakes. Cyclones(龙卷风). Tsunamis(海啸). Floods. Mudslides(泥石流). Natural disasters have doubled in frequency over the last two decades. Catastrophes have also become more intense. destructive and threatening to human life. In 2008 alone, some 36 million people were suddenly displaced by these phenomena.
    While that is an enormous figure. it is dwarfed by the number of people whose security and livelihoods are being steadily undermined by the longer-term consequences of climate change: droughts and unpredictable rainfall patterns, the degradation and desertification of the land. coastal erosion and salinification(盐化).
    A particularly disturbing characteristic of these developments is their potential to ignite conflicts within and between states, especially in situations where communities are competing for increasingly scarce resources such as fresh water and grazing land.
    We are now confronted with a number of global general trends that interact with each other. In addition to climate change, they include population growth, migration, urbanization and food, water and energy insecurity, all compounded by the global economic crisis.
    As U. N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has frequently reminded us, climate change is at the fulcrum(支点)of these trends, multiplying the impacts of the others.
    Attempting to deal with these trends individually would doom the effort to failure. They require a common response, which often eludes(避开,使…达不到)the international community.
    Traditionally, the international community has responded to disasters and displacement in "humanitarian emergency mode", establishing camps, distributing food and water, building schools and clinics.
    We must reconsider our approach. The billions of dollars spent on international relief over the past three or four decades have generally not achieved the sustainable improvements to local capacity that one would have hoped for.
    At the same time, a growing proportion of the people affected by disaster and displacement will in future be found in urban areas, where it makes no sense to accommodate victims in camps.
    A development-oriented approach is now required in response to displacement. emphasizing the inclusion of the most vulnerable and marginalized sections of society in efforts to ensure that they benefit from the livelihoods, services and security to which they are entitled.
    Recent experience suggests that the majority of people who are forced to move as a result of these phenomena are likely to remain within the borders of their own country. Primary responsibility for their protection and well-being will thus lie with the states concerned.
    But if governments in developing regions are to meet the needs of displaced citizens, they will need strong and long-term support from the world’s industrialized and industrializing states—those countries that bear primary responsibility for the process of climate change.  [br] What does the author think about the current approach of handling displacement?

选项 A、It can’t promote sustainable improvements in the long run.
B、It can relieve the consequences caused by disasters.
C、It can maintain the sustainability of the local area.
D、It can have an effect on urban disasters and displacement.

答案 A

解析 根据题干关键词approach,displacement定位到原文第七、八段。其中第八段提到:We must reconsider our approach.The billions of dollars spent on international relief over the past three or four decades have generally not achieved the sustainable improvements to local capacity that one would have hoped for.由此可知,作者认为当前应对流离失所的方法从长远来看不能给当地人们带来可持续性的改善,故选A)项。