[originaltext]W: Do you think professor Monroe would let me interview her? I am

游客2024-05-01  2

W: Do you think professor Monroe would let me interview her? I am writing an article for the newspaper on campus research projects.
M: Why not? 1 mean she loves discussing a research.
Q: What does the man mean?
M: Oh, man! Something in this room is making my eyes uncomfortable.
W: Hum. You must be allergic to something, but I wonder what it is.
Q: What does the woman want to know?

选项 A、What she can do to help the man.
B、How long the man has had allergies.
C、What is causing the man’s problem.
D、Whether the man has allergies.

答案 C

解析 男士说屋子里有东西让他的眼睛感到不舒服,女士猜他对某些东西过敏,但她想知道具体是什么东西,故选C)项。