[originaltext]W: Prof. Williams didn’t tell me that his lecture was postponed.

游客2024-04-29  15

W: Prof. Williams didn’t tell me that his lecture was postponed. I went to the classroom only to find some students were preparing for the exam.
M: Actually, if you had been careful enough to have a glance at the bulletin, you would have known all the information.
Q: What does the man mean?
M: Look at the report in today’s paper, dear. It says that giving up smoking isn’t always good for smokers.
W: Oh. You can always find an excuse when talking about quitting smoking.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The man seems to be responsible for himself.
B、The woman is critical of other people.
C、The man is addicted to smoking.
D、The woman can’t accept the man’s excuse.

答案 C

解析 语义理解题。对话中男士让女士看一则关于戒烟并非总是有益于吸烟者的报告;女士说一谈到戒烟,男士总能够找到借口。由此可知,男士总是想方设法地寻找借口不戒烟,即男士吸烟成瘾。