
游客2024-04-27  18

问题     美丽并不完全是表面的。有些人可能将美丽定义为在奥斯卡颁奖礼(Oscars)上身着华美礼服的女演员,或是在大银幕上令人惊异的动作英雄。事实上,美丽是我们内心的写照。美丽始于内在。如同我们所说的,美是一个人内心气质的反映。在最近的研究中发现,男人认为性感女性首先应该具备热情的精神状态,对生活的激情和自信的状态这三个条件。除了女性自然的身体条件外,在被调查者中,一半人表示男人首先注意到的是女人的微笑。


答案     Beauty is more than what we look like. Some people may define beauty as an actress at the Oscars in her stunning gown, or as an action hero on the big screen that takes people’s breath away. In reality, beauty is what appeals to our hearts. Beauty begins from within. As we often say, beauty is the reflection of one’s inner spirit. In a recent study, a spirit full of zest, a passion for life and self-confidence were ranked as three of the highest qualities that men found "sexy" in a woman. In addition to women’s physical appearance, half of those surveyed said that a woman’s smile was the first thing they noticed.
