For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On

游客2024-04-27  7

问题     For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Modesty. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words following the outline given below:


答案                             On Modesty
    Modesty is one of the individual qualities that young people should possess. It makes you foresee your imperfection. It gives you the impetus to go forward. Most important of all, it brings you favorable conditions in interpersonal contact.
    However, many young people do not seem to realize the importance of modesty. Some of them just feel satisfied with a little success, without the slightest desire to make further progress. Others have too high an opinion of themselves, totally ignoring other people’s suggestions and opinions. Consequently, their immodesty often drives them up against the wall. Worst of all, immodesty often takes young people away from their colleagues and friends. Therefore, they find fewer people they can confide to.
    For me, to be modest, the first thing to do is to have a full understanding of my deficiencies. In fact, I am often confronted with situations which I feel difficult to handle. Besides, I should also accept other people’s right points and try my best to learn from them. Keeping these two points in mind, I will be on the right path to developing modesty.
