[originaltext]M: Say, remember that proposal for an international festival next

游客2024-04-27  7

M: Say, remember that proposal for an international festival next spring? Do you think there’s any chance it’ll ever get off the ground?
W: I don’t think it’s a question of whether it’ll happen. It’s just a matter of where it’ll be held.
Q: What does the woman imply about the international festival?

选项 A、She originally proposed it.
B、She’s quite sure it will take place.
C、Its success depends on the weather.
D、She doesn’t think it will be held as proposed.

答案 B

解析 女士的话I don’t think it’s a question of whether it’ll happen(是否会举行我认为不是个问题)为听音重点。B)是对女士的话的同义转述,故答案为B)。sb.doesn’t think sth.is a question.意为“某人认为某事不是问题”,表示一种肯定。take place=happen,意为“发生”。get off the ground意为“开始;取得进展”。