[originaltext]W: Hi, Rex. How’s your history paper going?M: It’s coming along.

游客2024-04-27  3

W: Hi, Rex. How’s your history paper going?
M: It’s coming along. But I’ve been staring at this computer screen for hours and my eyes hurt.
W: Yeah, doing that can make your eyes feel really dry and tired. You should take a break.
M: I can’t. I have to get this paper written. It’s due tomorrow.
W: You know, I read about computers and eye problems recently. The article says that eye problem are usually caused by not blinking your eyes enough.
M: Blinking? I thought I just needed new glasses.
W: When you blink, the movement of closing and opening your eyes, even though it happens really fast, helps moisten your eyes. It’s the lack of moisture that causes the problems.
M: Oh, that makes sense. But what does it have to do with the computer?
W: People who use computers tend to stare at the monitor and blink less often than they normally would. That leads to dry irritated eyes.
M: Well, I hope this news can help my eyes now. They really hurt.
W: The article I read about office workers found that the workers averaged 22 blinks a minute when relaxed, but just 7 a minute while looking at texts on a computer screen.
M: Wow, that’s quite a difference.
W: They also kept their eyes open wider, which means that moisture evaporated more quickly.
M: I wonder if using some kind of eye drops would make them feel better.
W: That might help. But the best prescription is to take a break and rest your eyes.
M: OK. Let’s go to get some coffee. I can finish this later tonight.
Questions 13 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
13. What are the speakers talking about?
14. Why is blinking important?
15. What should Rex do to improve his situation?

选项 A、It happens very fast.
B、It gives eyes a break.
C、It moistens eyes.
D、It relaxes eyes.

答案 C

解析 选项中的It gives eyes a break和It moistens/relaxes eyes表明,本题考查it对眼睛的作用。由对话中提到的When you blink…helps moisten your eyes可知,答案为C)。解题关键是听清问题,弄清楚选项中的it指代blinking。