[originaltext]W: What’s the difference between a lesson and a lecture?M: Well,

游客2024-04-27  7

W: What’s the difference between a lesson and a lecture?
M: Well, they are both ways of imparting knowledge. But the main difference is that you participate in a lesson.. .listen to a lecture. A lecture is generally given to a much larger group.
Q: What does the man mean?
W: I can’t believe I have almost spent all $4,000 of my student loan. That money was supposed to last me all year.
M: Maybe you should start living within your means, like you’ve been told time and time again.
Q: What does the man suggest?

选项 A、The woman should spend money more reasonably.
B、The woman should find a job to support her family.
C、The woman should apply for student loans again.
D、The woman should stop worrying about money.

答案 C

解析 男士的话you should start living within your means为听音重点,C)是对男士的话的同义转述,其中的realistic with her money对应within your mean“在某人的经济能力范围内”,故答案为C)。