那些看过李安的电影《饮食男女》(Eat Drink Man Woman)的人大概不会忘记中国菜吧,菜的外表便足以让人垂涎三尺了。中式菜因为它的美味和吸引

游客2024-04-27  18

问题     那些看过李安的电影《饮食男女》(Eat Drink Man Woman)的人大概不会忘记中国菜吧,菜的外表便足以让人垂涎三尺了。中式菜因为它的美味和吸引人的外表在世界上享有很高的声誉。亦因为气候的多样化,本地产品和习俗的关系,在中国有很多当地特色食品。事实上,中式菜品种繁多,甚至大多数的中国人只能享受到其中的一小部分。总的来说,北方的中国人比较喜欢面食,而大多数的南方人几乎每天以米饭为主。


答案     Those who have seen the Ang Lee film Eat Drink Man Woman will not forget the Chinese cuisine, the mere look of which whets one’s appetite. Chinese food enjoys a high reputation the world over due to its exquisite taste and charming appearance. Due to the diversity of climates, produce, and the customs of different regions, there are many local specialties in China. In fact, the breadth of Chinese cuisine is so vast that even most Chinese only get to enjoy a small piece of the cake. In general, people in North China favour staples made from flour, while the majority of southerners consume rice almost daily.
