[originaltext]W: Oh, Professor Jackson, I was wondering well, oh...well, if uh.

游客2024-04-26  10

W: Oh, Professor Jackson, I was wondering well, oh...well, if uh...if you had a chance yet to look at my thesis proposal.
M: Well, I know you gave it to me over a week ago, but to be honest, I have been swamped with other things.
Q: What does the man imply?
W: It sounds like a very good idea that a friend of yours wants to share a flat with you. Where exactly is this flat?
M: We haven’t exactly got one, but I thought I might go and look — it’s easier if you’re on the spot.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、He hasn’t got a flat.
B、He wants to go and look.
C、He wants to share a flat.
D、He wants the woman to go and look.

答案 B

解析 对话中男士说but I thought I might go and look,由此可知,男士打算过去看看,故答案为B)。