For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On the

游客2024-04-25  8

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On the Importance of Robots to the Development of Society. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. Write your essay on Answer sheet 1.
             On the Importance of Robots to the Development of Society


答案               On the Importance of Robots to the Development of Society
    The technology of intelligent machines improves amazingly with the help of artificial intelligence. At present, a heated debate springs up as to the positive and negative effects of robots on the development of society. Some supporters believe our life could be much easier with the availability of robots, while opponents argue that our life might get into trouble for overreliance on robots.
    Robots contribute to the development of society in various ways. For one thing, the robots used in industry, offices and houses can take the place of human beings to perform repetitive tasks. Therefore, robots can economize the labor force, improve the working efficiency, and enhance accuracy. For another, robots can aid human beings to finish risky tasks in the dangerous environment or the inaccessible places.
    However, under no circumstances could we ignore negative effects of robots on society. The popularity of robots may cause the increase in unemployment. Besides, too much reliance on robots will lead to the decrease in creativity.
    In short, despite some demerits of robots, they have more merits to be of great assistance to people.
