[originaltext]M: You see, a marine biologist is now appearing on the screen. W

游客2024-04-24  3

M: You see, a marine biologist is now appearing on the screen.
W: Yeah. We are now being taken on a tour familiarizing with life in the salty depth. It’s an interesting tele teaching lesson.
Q: What are the speakers doing?
W: We’ll have to hurry if we’re going to be on time to the railway station. It’s already 9:30.
M: Well, it takes only 25 minutes to go to the railway station and the train does not leave until 10:15. I think we’ll make it all right if we start immediately.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、They are too late to catch the train.
B、The train will leave in 25 minutes.
C、They should set out right now.
D、It will take them 30 minutes to get to the railway station.

答案 C

解析 女士说现在已经9:30了,如果他们想要准时到达火车站的话必须快点出发了;男士说25分钟便可到达火车站,火车在10:15才会开动,现在出发来得及。由此可知,他们需要现在立刻出发。