[originaltext]W: City life is so crowded. I’d like to get away sometimes to the

游客2024-04-25  7

W: City life is so crowded. I’d like to get away sometimes to the forest where I can think in peace and quiet.
M: That’s also my dream. Living in the city, I can never get the chance to think about the meaning of life.
Q: What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
W: Do you believe that names say a lot about people and even decide the fate of him or her?
M: I heard someone said so. From the perspective of psychology, to some degree, names can have a great influence on a person’s identity.
Q: How do names affect people according to the man?

选项 A、They can decide the fate of people.
B、They can tell others what kind of person you are.
C、They can influence a person’s character more or less.
D、They can reveal a person’s identity.

答案 C
