[originaltext]M: My grandma was killed in a car accident last week. May I ask f

游客2024-04-23  8

M: My grandma was killed in a car accident last week. May I ask for absence for several days? I have to go back home.
W: So sorry to hear that. That must inflict lots of pain on you as I myself once experienced it.
Q: What does the woman mean?
M: Something is wrong with my computer. I took it to the repair shop at the corner of the street just outside our school. That guy charged me 20 yuan for checking of CPU.
W: You should have bargained with him, otherwise they charge you a much higher price more often than not.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、The man is wise to have bargained.
B、Other places offer a lower price.
C、The shop didn’t charge the man much.
D、The man might have been overcharged.

答案 D

解析 女士说若不讲价他们就常常会多收费,可见她觉得男士可能是被“宰”了,所以答案为D。