
游客2024-04-20  22

问题 根据传说,很久以前,佛祖(Buddha)把所有动物聚集起来,跟它们说最先到达的那十二种动物便会成为十二生肖的象征。在比赛之前一晚。猫通知它的朋友老鼠,两人答应对方明天谁先起来一定要叫醒对方,但是,老鼠不遵守承诺,自己一个人走了。接着,牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗和猪都先后到达。当猫醒来时,尘埃已定了。以后人们便说这就是猫讨厌老鼠的原因。


答案     According to a legend, many years ago, Buddha summoned all the animals to attend a meeting at which he would designate the first 12 animals arriving as signs of a year. On the night before, the cat notified his pal, the rat, and they agreed that the one waking up first the next morning must awake the other, departing for the meeting together. However, the rat broke his promise and arrived at the meeting alone. Then, the ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig arrived one after another. When the cat woke up and hurried there, the meeting was over. It is said that is why cats chase and kill rats to this day.
