
游客2024-04-20  30

问题 从本质上看,中国的烹调方法(cookery)是快速的烹调方法。为了准备一顿饭,如果是用小量的轻小材料和发热快的燃料的话,中国人便会用锅(wok),锅是一种圆底的器皿(utensil),当用者想保持锅里的食物在一种稳定的状况时可以快速稳定地控制热度。有了锅,再加上将材料弄成一小块,中国的厨师会在最可能少的时间里弄出最大量的食物表面。同时,他们通常会在同一个锅里准备些调味汁。光亮度、新鲜感、多样性以及明显的质感、味觉、色彩和香气的相互作用,在不同程度上,很明显地影响着日本和夏威夷一些地方的烹调煮法。


答案     In essence, Chinese cookery is quick cookery. To prepare meals using small quantities of material and fast-burning fuel, the Chinese developed the wok, a round-bottomed cooking utensil mat circulates heat quickly and evenly while enabling its user to keep its contents in constant motion. With the wok, and using ingredients chopped into small, thin pieces, the Chinese cook exposes the maximum amount of food surface to heat in the shortest possible time, often simultaneously preparing a sauce in the same wok. Chinese cookery is typified by lightness, freshness, variety, and the skillful interplay of contrasting textures, flavours, colours, and aromas. Its influence is evident to varying degrees in the cookery of Japan and in areas of Hawaii.
