[originaltext]M: I’m looking for an unfurnished two-bedroom apartment, but all

游客2024-04-20  6

M: I’m looking for an unfurnished two-bedroom apartment, but all your apartments are furnished.
W: We can take care of that. We can simply remove the furniture.
Q: What does the woman mean?
M: Hi, Janet, I hear you’ve just returned from a tour of Australia. Did you get a chance to visit the Sydney Opera House?
W: Of course I did. It would be a shame for anyone visiting Australia not to see this unique creation in architecture. Its magnificent beauty is simply beyond description.
Q: What do we learn from this conversation?

选项 A、Janet loves the beautiful landscape of Australia very much.
B、Janet is very much interested in architecture.
C、Janet admires the Sydney Opera House very much.
D、Janet thinks it’s a shame for anyone not to visit Australia.

答案 C

解析 推理题。男士问女士在去澳大利亚旅游期间是否有机会参观悉尼歌剧院,女士说当然去了,要是有谁去澳大利亚而不去看悉尼歌剧院独特的建筑会是很大的遗憾,壮观的美景真是无以言表。可知,女士非常喜欢悉尼歌剧院。