位于北京东城区雍和宫大街的壅和宫(Yonghe Lama Temple),是北京城里最大的藏传佛教寺院(theTibetan Buddhist mona

游客2024-04-18  23

问题     位于北京东城区雍和宫大街的壅和宫(Yonghe Lama Temple),是北京城里最大的藏传佛教寺院(theTibetan Buddhist monastery),建于康熙三十三年,原是康熙皇帝第四个儿子胤稹的府邸,称“雍亲王府”。因乾隆皇帝诞生于此,雍和官出了两位皇帝,所以殿宇为黄瓦红墙,与宫殿的规格相同。乾隆年间,雍和宫被改为喇嘛庙,成为北京最大的藏传佛教皇家寺院。雍和宫占地66 400平方米,由五进大殿组成,建筑巍峨壮观.雍和宫内最高大的建筑物是万福阁(Pavilion of Ten Thousand Happiness),高25米,飞檐三重(triple—roofs),充分演绎了古代建筑之美。


答案     Located on Yonghegong Street in Dongcheng District of Beijing, the Yonghe Lama Temple is the largest Tibetan Buddhist monastery in the city. Built in the 33rd year of Emperor Kangxi’s reign, it used to be the residence of Kangxi’s fourth son Yinzhen, and was called Prince Yong’s Mansion. Yongzheng’s successor, Qianlong, was also born there. As the birthplace of two emperors, it was made to follow the styles of royal palaces in the Forbidden City with red walls and yellow tiles. Later during the reign of Qianlong, it was converted into a lamasery, which became the largest royal Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Beijing. Yonghe Lama Temple covers an area of 66 400 square meters, consisting of five towering major halls. The Pavilion of Ten Thousand Happiness is the tallest building in the Yonghe Lama Temple. Standing 25 meters tall, the pavilion has triple roofs and fully displays the beauty of ancient architecture.
