上海市,简称沪,位于中国长江三角洲前缘(estuary)。它是中国最大的工商业城市,总面积6 340.5平方千米,总人口为2 300多万。上海属亚热带季

游客2024-04-18  32

问题     上海市,简称沪,位于中国长江三角洲前缘(estuary)。它是中国最大的工商业城市,总面积6 340.5平方千米,总人口为2 300多万。上海属亚热带季风气候。总体来说,上海气候温和湿润,春秋较短,冬夏较长。作为中国最大的城市,上海是中外古往今来文化历史最鲜明的浓缩和剪影。在这里,人们可以同时看到欧洲风格的建筑、中国风格的建筑,也可以看到现代化的远洋货轮与古老的小舢板(junk)擦肩而过。经济繁荣、工业发达的上海已经成为一颗真正的东方明珠。


答案     Shanghai, Hu for short, is situated on the estuary of the Yangtze River Delta of China. It is the largest industrial and commercial city in China, covering an area of 6 340. 5 sq. km, with a population of over 23 million. Shanghai belongs to the subtropical monsoon climate zone. Generally speaking, climate in Shanghai is mild and moist; spring and autumn are shorter while winter and summer are longer. As the largest city in China, Shanghai contains the most striking blend of Oriental and Western cultures and of the past and present. In the city, European-style buildings can be seen standing alongside typical Chinese structures, and modern ocean-going vessels can be seen sailing past old junks. As a flourishing commercial and industrial center, Shanghai has become a real Pearl in the East of the world.
