[originaltext]W: Believe me. You really look much better than before. Got some

游客2024-04-17  5

W: Believe me. You really look much better than before. Got some color back in your cheeks.
M: Yes. Actually I’m still not sure whether I can recover from it. But I find jogging does me good, so I keep on doing it.
Q: What can we learn about the man from the conversation?
W: Any plan for the summer?
M: I decided to go on a staycation, just staying here in the UK instead of going to a foreign country. Maybe go camping in the countryside. Follow the fashion of most British to enjoy life and save money.
Q: What can we learn about most British people from the conversation?

选项 A、They usually go abroad for a nice summer vacation.
B、They would like to go shopping.
C、They often choose to learn something useful.
D、They choose to stay in the country to save money.

答案 D

解析 旅行交通类,事实细节题。女士问男士暑假有什么计划,男士表示暑假他会待在国内,可能会去郊区露营,这是大多数英国人的选择,这样既能享受生活又能省钱。