
游客2024-04-14  11

问题     茶是中国人的一种特殊饮料,在中国人的日常生活中占有重要的地位。作为世界茶叶主要出产国之一,中国的茶叶种类繁多,具有代表性的有绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶(oolong tea)、白茶等。不同的茶叶具有不同的功效,长期饮用对身体有很大益处。茶文化在中国历史悠久,喝茶一直是中国人的消遣方式。另外,中国人还喜欢用茶来招待客人。中国茶文化已渗透到中国文化的各个方面,包括诗词、绘画、宗教、医学等领域。


答案 Tea is a special drink of Chinese people and plays an important role in their daily life. As one of the world’s main tea producing countries, China has various types of tea, the representatives of which are green tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, etc. Different types of tea have different functions and drinking tea on a regular basis is of great benefit to health. Tea culture has a long history in China, and drinking tea has been a pastime of Chinese people. In addition, Chinese people also enjoy treating guests with tea. Chinese tea culture has permeated into every aspect of Chinese culture, including the fields of poetry, painting, religion, medicine and so on.

解析 1.第二句较长,可将“中国的茶叶种类繁多”处理成主句,“具有代表性的有绿茶、红茶……”用非限制性定语从句the representatives of which...来表达,使译文更地道。
2.第三句“不同的茶叶……很大益处”中的“长期饮用”不宜翻译成drinking for a long time,而是翻译成drinking tea on a regular basis,更贴近英文的表达习惯。“对身体有很大益处”译成了is of greatbenefit to health(对健康有很大益处),这里不宜将“身体”直译为body,因为此处的“身体”是指“身体的健康状况”,因而用health来表达。
3.第四句“茶文化在中国历史悠久……”中的“一直是”表达的是从过去到现在以及将来可能持续下去的状态,故须用现在完成时态drinking tea has been a pastime of….
4.最后一句中的“……的各个方面”的英文表达为every aspect of…,这个短语在英文中应用频率较高;后半句的“包括诗词、绘画、宗教、医学等领域”使用现在分词短语including the fields of...来表达。