[originaltext]W: I heard that some people who were not environmental scientists

游客2024-04-10  6

W: I heard that some people who were not environmental scientists were fighting to protect trees, is it true?
M: Yes.(5)In Tasmania, the first green political party was developed. It includes members from all walks of life, who obviously want to protect the forests a lot. They have big protests, tie themselves to trees or sit up in trees to protect the trees from being cut down.
W: Really?(6)People actually do that? Tie themselves to trees?
M: Yeah. It happens every day in Tasmania.
W: That’s interesting. I once heard of a girl who lived in a tree for a month because she wanted to stop the deforestation company or people from taking down that tree. She had people bring her supplies but she never came down.
M: That happens in Tasmania as well.
W: But Nick,(7)some industries need to cut down trees, such as the logging and publishing industries. These industries also provide jobs for people. From this point of view, don’t you think that cutting down trees is good for the society?
M: Well, it’s true. They do provide jobs. Some small towns, even some cities do rely on logging indusjtry to develop their economies. But...
W: But? Is there any bad influence?
M: Yes, It also results in some negative things. Take Tasmania for example,(8)tourism is a very big industry in Tasmania, but the logging industry may take away tourists if trees are cut down.
W: Yeah, you are right. If the whole forest is missing, I guess nobody would really want to go and look at the scenery.
5. What can we know about the first green political party?
6. What surprises the woman?
7. Why does the woman think cutting down trees is good for the society?
8. What may happen to Tasmania if trees are cut down according to the man?

选项 A、It can provide jobs for people.
B、It leaves more space for building house.
C、It can make more paper to use.
D、It can boost the development of economies.

答案 A

解析 本题问的是为什么女士认为砍树对社会有好处。对话中,女士提到有些工业需要砍树,比如伐木业、出版业。他们为人们提供工作。从这个角度,女士认为砍树是对社会有好处的。