[originaltext] I could never had imagined what I would achieve through footb

游客2024-04-07  15

I could never had imagined what I would achieve through football.
    I owe my life everything I have to football. My life in football began with my granddad, Joe, who took me to my first game. [16] He was a huge Tottenham Hotspur fan. I remember how proud he was when I got to train at the center excellence. 1 also remember how excited we both were when I got to train at Bobby Charlton Soccer School. 1 also remember how excited we both were because we got to meet the Great Man.
    [17] Of course Sir Bobby was there when I signed with Manchester United, he was there when I won the Champion’s League, when I won the Africa Cup, when I won the Premier League. He was also there the day of Scott in the time of free kick.
    Extra accident of our traffic to the England of 2002 World Cup, and of course Sir Bobby says today: Over the years, I’ve been lucky enough to enjoy many of highlights. I’ve played on every continent and everywhere I’ve played, I’ve seen the popularity of English football. I am proud to being part of the success that English football has enjoyed over the past twenty years.
    When my granddad took me to my first game I could never have imagined that, almost 30 years on. FIFA would invited me to take part in the 2010 World Cup Tour. My granddad would have been so proud to have seen that. Unfortunately the day before I flew out for the draw my granddad died—that was a year ago today.
    He was a massive figure in my life. He started me in football, he guided me through my career. My granddad was certainly proud of me as I was of him. Now I want to do something that will make my grandchildren proud.
    Through FIFA and President Blatter’s good work, I’ve seen the good that football can do. I’ve seen how it can change lives in all sorts of ways. [19] I’ve seen this, in South Africa, in Thailand, in Sierra Leone and all over the world. Now I want to do more and that’s why I’m here today, in fact, it’s why everyone from the England bid, from Prime Minister to Prince William, to Eddie is here today. Because working together, working with you, the FIFA World Cup can achieve so much for so many people bring benefits that we will be felt over generations. You all can make this happen. Each of you has the chance to create opportunities for young people in each of your countries in every confederation, in every corner of the world. To create a better future for our grandchildren
    Thank you for listening to our presentation.
    [18] Our dream is to stage a World Cup that is a spectacular tournament. Our dream is to stage a World Cup that benefits billions. Our dream is to stage a World Cup that makes you, your grandchildren and everyone in football truly proud.
    Thank you very much.
16. Which team’s fan is the speaker’s grandfather?
17. On which occasion, was Sir Bobby NOT there?
18. Which one is NOT the speaker’s dream?
19. According to the speech, which city is the speaker bidding for?

选项 A、To stage a World Cup that is a spectacular tournament.
B、To stage a World Cup that benefits billions.
C、To stage a World Cup that makes you, your grandchildren and everyone in football truly proud.
D、To stage a World Cup that increase the popularity of English football.

答案 D

解析 演讲结尾提到,“我们的梦想是要把世界杯举办成一场全世界参加的盛大的赛事。我们的梦想是要把世界杯举办成能够惠及数十亿人的成功赛事。我们的梦想,更是要通过举办世界杯,让我们的子孙后代,让这地球上的每一个人都感受到足球这项运动真的是让人感到自豪的。”选项A、B、C都是演讲的原话,选项D文中并没有提及,故选D。