
游客2024-04-07  30

问题     中国自古就有“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”的古训(maxim)。“齐家”指的便是成家立业,成家不能没有自己的一套房子。因此,房子成为中国人有家、有归属感的重要标志,并深入人心。房子在人们观念中的重要地位,使得房子不仅仅是居住环境的体现,更是个人身份的体现。根深蒂固的传统观念和强烈的家的归属感,吸引着都市生活中这样一群忠实而又执着的“买房族”。也可以说,中国的房价之所以一路飙升与中国人的购房观念是密不可分的。


答案     There has been an old maxim Cultivate the mind, and then regulate the family, state and world" since ancient China. Regulating the family refers to getting married and starting one’s career. However, getting married cannot come true without a house. Therefore, it is deeply rooted in Chinese people’s mind that house is an important symbol of home and gives them a sense of belonging. The importance attached to house makes it both a symbol of living environment and a symbol of individual status. The deeply rooted traditional concept and the strong sense of belonging attract many loyal and persistent people in the city to join the group which struggles to buy a house. You could say that the soaring price of houses in China is closely related to Chinese people’s idea about house.
