丽江古城(the Old Town of Lijiang)位于中国云南省丽江市,始建于南宋末年,至今已有八百多年的历史。丽江古城地处战略要地,古时候商旅

游客2024-04-07  8

问题     丽江古城(the Old Town of Lijiang)位于中国云南省丽江市,始建于南宋末年,至今已有八百多年的历史。丽江古城地处战略要地,古时候商旅活动频繁,是茶马古道(the Ancient Tea Home Road)上的重镇。丽江古城没有城墙,古城内的建筑融合了多种文化元素,展现了汉族、白族、藏族以及纳西族的建筑特点。古城拥有古老的供水系统,至今仍有效地发挥着作用。水系(waterway)上有三百多座桥,均建于明清时期。现在,纳西族的传统文化东巴(Dongba)化,如文字、绘画、舞蹈和音乐成为丽江古城旅游的焦点。


答案     The Old Town of Lijiang, located in Lijiang City, Yunnan Province of China, was originally built in the late Southern Song Dynasty, with a history of more than 800 years. In a strategic site, the Old Town of Lijiang was an important town along the the Ancient Tea Horse Road owing to the frequent business activities during ancient times. The Old Town of Lyiang has no city wall, and its architecture blends various elements from different cultures, showing the features of the Han, Bai, Tibetan and the Naxi ethnic groups. The Old Town has an ancient water-supply system which still functions effectively today. There are more than 300 bridges above the waterways, all of which were built in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Now Dongba culture, the traditional culture of the Naxi, such as characters, paintings, dance as well as music, has become the focus of tourism in the Old Town of Lijiang.

解析 1.在第一句话中,有三个谓语动词“位于”、“始建于”和“有”,英文翻译时可将“位于中国云南省丽江市”作为插入语。放在“丽江古城”后面;“至今已有八百多年的历史”用“介词with+名词短语”结构来表达,这样译文只突出一个谓语动词“始建于”,更简洁,主次更分明。
2.第二句有三个分旬,在翻译时,将“丽江古城地处战略要地”用短语in a strategic site表达,作状语。“古时候商旅活动频繁,是茶马古道上的重镇”,这两个分句存在隐含的因果关系,在译成英文时应加上owing to。使英文更加流畅地道。