For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic "T

游客2024-04-06  7

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic "Talk Much but Do Less". You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words which should cover:
1) describing the meaning of cartoon briefly;
2) stating its main idea;
3) giving your comment.


答案                         Talk Much but Do Less
    (1) Recently, more and more people are inclined to talk too much yet do less.(2) Some people always make firm decisions while never take any action to move towards their goals.(3) It is too difficult to imagine what one could get by simply talking rather than doing something practical.
   There are two causes for this social phenomenon. To begin with, talking takes little effort but acting is more difficult.(4) One needs tremendous time and energy to put what he has talked about into practice.(5) In addition, the problem of talking much but doing less correlates strongly with the societal environment. Many people, faced with pressure from society, lack the confidence to fight against the obstacles while struggling for their goals. So they postpone or give up their plans all the time.
   One reaps what he sows.(6) Each of us should join in the tide of promoting actions. It’s by talking less and doing much that a person’ s ability will finally be recognized.

解析 第一段:对图片进行简要描述,即从图中你能看到什么。
(1)be inclined to…意为“有……倾向”。
(2)make firm decisions意为“做出坚 定的决定”。
(3)这句话表明了作者自己的观点,即很 难想象一个人只说不做会获得什么。
(4)put…into practice,意为“将……付 诸实践”。
(5)correlate with意为“与……相关”。
(6)这句话再次表明了作者自己的观点, 即每个人都应该加入到积极实践的浪潮中。